Friday, December 21, 2007
Jingle Jam!!!
Okay, so, tomorrow is the JINGLE JAM! I am so excited!! Drew Seeley, Keke Palmer (Jump In!), and Mitchel Musso (Hannah Montana) are ALL gonan be at the Celebration Town Center!!! My best friend is coming and she is freaking out because she wants to meet Mitchel soooo bad. I'm hoping I can too!!!
Until Next time!
PS. I have WAYY to many avatars....I'll put up my photobucket URL so y'all can see them.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
96 x 96 AVATARS!!
Okay, I have Yahoo! Messenger, and it only takes 96 x 96 avatars, so that's the only size I do. If you want an avvie, leave a comment telling me A: What size B: Who C: what you want it to say (Please no longer than 7-10 words!)
For the Zac Efron x Vanessa Hudgens fans (AKA: Zanessa):

For the High School Musical fans:
Other Random Ones:

I know I said I'd post my photobucket URL, but I was bored, and I do strange things when I'm bored.
Until Next Time!
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Okay, two posts in the same day! Wow! (Jacqueline will LOVE ME!! LOLOL!) This'll just be a short one, showing my brand new layout, which I think is SO COOL! This is probably my favorite one so far, because its so different than the pink girly-girl layout I usually have. But, I saw it, and I was like, "Okay, fine, I'll try it!" So, here it is!!!
Okay, that's pretty much it!!
Until Next Time! (Which I promise will be soon!)
PS. I learned how to make avatars on Photoshop, so tomorrow or early next week I'll post 'em all!! Y'all will love them!!
Happy December!! Okay, besides May (Because its my birthday month and normally the month we get out of school), this is my FAVORITE month!!! Mostly because the kids at school literally COUNT DOWN til Winter Vacation, so we have two weeks of NO SCHOOL!! How much more awesomefultastic (my word!) can a month get?!
Let's see...nothing new...Ooh! I like a couple new artists, Jordin Sparks (Just released her album Four stars!!!), Jojo (Got her newest album, Five Stars!!) and Taylor Swift (So not a country girl, but my best friend got me hooked on her, and I bought her album! Five Stars!)! I've also bought a couple Fergie songs, LUV Big Girls Don't Cry!!!
I think that's about it!!!
Until Next Time!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Youtube Account!!!
Its me! Who else would it be? =D Anyway, I got an account on youtube after I found a website ( ) that it was completely free to make videos!!! So, I made a simple Ashley Tisdale one to the Radio Disney version of her song He Said She Said.
Here it is!
If you have a Youtube account, add me as a friend! I'm StraightAGurl0502 !!
So, school is...well school. I have a field trip Thursday at 8 AM, which means I have to WAKE UP at like, 7 to get ready!! I'll blog and tell y'all how it went!!
Until next time!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Top Fives
- Mitchel Musso
- Corbin Bleu
- Jason Earles
- Lucas Grabeel
- Drew Seeley
- Ashley Tisdale
- Amanda Bynes
- Nikki Blonsky
- Brittany Snow
- Miley Cyrus
TV Shows:
- Hannah Montana
- The Suite Life of Zack and Cody
- Wizards of Waverly Place
- Dancing with the Stars
- Phineas and Ferb (New Show on Disney coming out in Feb, but every once in awhile they'll play a sneak peak. SO FUNNY!)
- Hairspray (<333333)
- Order of the Phineox
- Sydney White
- Monster House
- Akeelah and the Bee
TV Movies:
- Jump In!
- High School Musical
- Halloweentown High
- Return to Halloweentown
- High School Musical 2
- Mitchel Musso
- Drew Seeley
- Carrie Underwood
- Corbin Bleu
- Miley Cyrus
- Aly and AJ
- Spice Girls
- Jonas Brothers
- The Cheetah Girls
- Plain White T's
- Too Little Too Late ~ Jojo
- All American Girl ~ Carrie Underwood
- License to Love ~ Mitchel Musso
- Do No Wrong ~ Cheetah Girls
- You Can't Stop the Beat ~ Hairspray Cast
- Twilight ~ Stephenie Meyer
- Harry Potter ~ JK Rowling
- Flipped
- The Secrets of My Hollywood Life
- Artemis Fowl
Okay, that's it!!! Thanks guys!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Random Quotes of my life
*In Language Arts Class*
Me: UGH! Why does Josh keep calling me Pantry Girl?!?
Clayton: I don't know, Pantry Girl
Me: Waste of Space
Clayton: Pantry Girl
Me: Waste of Space
Clayton: Pantry Girl
*five minutes later*
Clayton: Pantry Girl
Me: Waste of Space
*In History Class*
Josh: Yeah! She was trying to run me over!!
Mrs. Mestre: I'm sure you deserved it Josh.
*In Yearbook*
Andrew: "All my friends love me!"
Me: "Then I hope you don't consider me a friend."
Andrew: "Well, now you're not my friend!"
Me: "I was your friend? *skeptical*"
Andrew: "No....but now you never will be!"
Me: *Monotone* "Wow. I am so sad."
*In Religious Ed*
Mrs. Mullen: Let's all tell something about themselves
Sean: My name is Sean, and I am naturally buoyant
Mrs. Mullen: Oh I can hear it now. Your parents will ask you what you learned in Religious Ed, 'Oh! We learned what buoyant means!'
*On IM*
Me: (We had to write down 10 things that makes us happy..../:) )
Jenni: (Let's see... On your list, it could be... Mitchel, Mitchel, Thoughts of marrying Mitchel, Mitchel, Mitchel, Mitchel, and so forth. *Ducks from any thrown objects*)
Me: (How did you know I liked Ladies' Choice?)
Jenni: (Because you kept rambling about it whenever it came on)
Jenni: (And when you ramble about something, you love it)
Me: (I do not! Name one other thing!)
Jenni: (Zaaaaaaac )
Me: (I do?)
*At Lunch*
Me: Hey Jen! Do you know what time it is?
Jennifer: Let me check my wrist....
Me: Psh! Troy would be able to tell me what time it was by looking at his wrist!
Jennifer: And Lucas Grabeel would start dancing!
Me: And Corbin would tell me what time it was in 3 different time zones!!
*On IM*
Me: (And I think you are crazy. )
Jenni: (Thank you)
Me: (You're welcome)
*After a long argument about whether or not I like Mitchel Musso*
Jenni: (.............................................................................What're we gonna say in six months when we reread our archives and see this?)
Me: (Wow...we were pathetic...and you'll tease me some more about it)
Jenni: (Probably true...)
*On IM*
Me: I had school 2 day!
Scarlett: AAAAHHHHHHH DO NOT MENTION THAT CURSE WORD WHEN TALKING TO ME YOU FOUL MOTHED SAILOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Talking on the Phone*
Scarlett: Did you notice that the 2012 class is always the guinnea pigs? I mean, we had to take the standarized tests in 3rd grade, and now we have to take a test in 8th?!
Me: Maybe its just cause we're old....
Me: (Okay, there is this guy named Josh, and he makes fun of me just because I locked Rory in the pantry and wouldn't let him out)
Jenni: (You did?!?! You're such a loving sister!!)
Me: (I know!!) ( :D)
Jenni: (*Hands Alex 'Sister of the Year' award*)
Me: (*Takes it and wipes a tear* I'd like to thank the little people
*In Language Arts class*
Ms. Wright: You guys don't understand, a lot of the time when I say stuff, I'm kidding!
Clayton: So you were kidding when you called me a Waste of Space?
Ms. Wright: No, I meant that
Me: So you were kidding when you called me a dork
Ms. Wright: No, I meant that
Okay, there are some quotes from my life! I hope you guys enjoyed! Jenni, Scarlett, Jennifer, if y'all have good ones that I missed, tell me!!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
So, I went on a cruise, and it was SO MUCH FUN!!! It was a Disney Cruise, and it was so relaxing! I listened to my iPod a lot, and I went up to the teen club at night. They had a Wii, and it was my first time ever playing it. I loved it!!!
Well, that's pretty much cards come out soon! Greaaaaat! *Sarcasm*
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Top Fives!!
- Mitchel Musso
- Corbin Bleu
- Lucas Grabeel
- Jason Earles
- Cole Sprouse
- Amanda Bynes
- Nikki Blonsky
- Sara Paxton
- Miley Cyrus
- Ashley Tisdale
TV Shows:
- Drake & Josh
- Hannah Montana
- iCarly
- The Suite Life
- Strange Days at Blake Holsey High
- Sydney White (Just saw it! LOVED IT!)
- Hairspray
- Harry Potter 5
- POTC 2
- Monster House
TV Movies:
- Jump In!
- Return to Halloweentown
- Halloweentown High
- High School Musical 2
- Don't Think About It
- Drew Seeley
- Corbin Bleu
- Miley Cyrus
- Ashley Tisdale
- Keke Palmer
- Jonas Brothers
- Aly and AJ
- Cheetah Girls
- :D
- :D
- Footwurkin' ~ Keke Palmer
- Hello Beautiful ~ Jonas Brothers
- Friend Me Up ~ Keke Palmer
- Skin Deep ~ Keke Palmer
- Fabulous ~ Lucas Grabeel, Ashley Tisdale
- Clique
- Harry Potter
- InkHeart
- All American Girl
- How My Private Personal Journal Became a Bestseller
All right! That's it!! TTYL!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Top Fives!!
- Mitchel Musso
- Jason Earles
- Corbin Bleu
- Lucas Grabeel
- Zac Efron
- Ashley Tisdale
- Vanessa Hudgens
- Monique Coleman
- Miley Cyrus
- Emily Osment
TV Shows:
- Hannah Montana
- Summerland
- The Suite Life of Zack and Cody
- Flight 29 Down
- Boy Meets World
TV Movies:
- High School Musical
- Return to Halloweentown
- Halloweentown High
- Jump In!
- Cowbelles
- Hairspray
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phionex
- Nancy Drew
- Transformers
- National Treasure
- Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana
- Aly and AJ
- Vanessa Hudgens
- Ashley Tisdale
- Drew Seeley
- Find Yourself ~ Drew Seeley (Orginally from Cars)
- Bullseye ~ Aly and AJ
- Like it or Leave it ~ Aly and AJ
- I don't Dance ~ Corbin Bleu and Lucas Grabeel
- You are the Music in Me ~ Olesya Rulin, Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron
- "This is agony! How long has it been?!" "Well, in one minute, it'll be exactly a minute and a half!" ~ Hannah Montana
- "I'm sorry for being -" "Remote? Weird? Un-Cameron? Sorry, go ahead." "No, you pretty much covered it..." ~ Summerland
- "And Penny Pingleton." "I'm a very pleased and scared to be here." ~ Hairspray
- "There are some people, I'm not gonna mention any names...Corbin...that really aren't meant to play baseball..." ~ Lucas Grabeel
- "What am I going to do with you Nikki Westerly? If I looked up 'naive' in the dictionary, your picture would be right next to it!" "Yeah, if you knew how to use a dictionary..."
Okay! That's it!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Ohmigosh!! (Random 'Teenage Girl' News)
This is me and my brothers and sisters! (Left to right: Me, Eamonn, Maggie, Rory and Siobhan)
Alright that is it! I will do another post about my Top Fives!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Some new Vids!
Sorry about not posting lately, but seriously, nothing has been going on! I came on to post some videos, and basically ramble on about absolutely nothing. =D!
First video:
Okay, this is Zac Efron (High School Musical, Hairspray), now, normally, I am not the biggest fan of him, but I really love this music video and I really wanna see Hairspray. :D
Second Video:
Okay, I COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY love this song! I don't know why, but Aly and AJ are amazing and I currently have their CD on pre-order...:D
Third Video:
Okay, I am so excited because this is Mitchel Musso from Hannah Montana, debuting his singing/rapping at Universal citywalk in California. I was kind of nervous, because this isn't the kind of music I listen to, but I completely love it! Great Job Mitchel!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, like I said, nothing much is going on. My sister is getting her first holy communion next Sunday, and two of my aunts are coming down, and I can't wait to see them! The next day, I am getting my halo off (Finally!!!) hopefully, so I am looking forward to that.
I think that's it!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
100th Post!!!
- Hey Guys!!!
This is my 100th post!! I can not believe that it has been almost a year since I first signed on!! *tear*. Well, I'm gonna do a Top 5!
- Mitchel Musso
- Jason Earles
- Lucas Grabeel
- Corbin Bleu
- Cole Sprouse
- Ashley Tisdale
- Vanessa Hudgens
- Monique Coleman
- Miley Cyrus
- Emily Osment
TV Shows:
- American Idol
- Hannah Montana
- Boy Meets World
- Flight 29 Down
- The Suite Life of Zack and Cody
- Monster House
- Ice Princess
- Harry Potter 1, 3, 4 (Not a huge fan of 2, sorry CBoS luvers!)
- POTC 2
- The Last Mimzy
TV Movies:
- High School Musical
- Jump In!
- The Cheetah Girls 2
- Cowbelles
- Now You See It...
Movies I wanna see this summer:
- Harry Potter 5
- Fantastic 4 2
- Nancy Drew
- Disturbia (Kinda, I just needed a 5th one)
- Jordin Sparks
- Blake Lewis
- Ashley Tisdale
- Vanessa Hudgens
- Carrie Underwood
- You Give Love a Bad Name ~ Blake Lewis
- A Broken Wing ~ Jordin Sparks
- Never Again ~ Kelly Clarkson
- I'll Stand By You ~ Carrie Underwood
- Young and Beautiful ~ Carrie Underwood
- Harry Potter
- How My Private Personal Journal Became A Bestseller
- Flight 29 Down
- Cheetah Girls
- Chicken Soup
Friday, May 11, 2007
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!
I am so sorry it took me so long to post, but y'all know about my surgery, and I am just starting to get back to "normal". I don't remember why I didn't post after my pre op, I guess I was just stressed out about being in the hospital for two months, which actually turned out to be about a month, because they moved the May 9th surgery up to April 18th, and I was out of the hospital by the next friday.
Okay, TTYL!
PS. Ya happy Jacqueline? :P
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Another Top 5
- Okay, I am sooo bored, so I'm gonna do a top 5:
- Johnny Pacar
- Corbin Bleu
- Mitchel Musso
- Lucas Grabeel
- Cole Sprouse
- Ashley Tisdale
- Vanessa Hudgens
- Maiara Walsh
- Hallee Hirsh
- Monique Coleman
TV Shows:
- Flight 29 Down
- The Suite Life of Zack and Cody
- Boy Meets World
- American Idol
- Drake and Josh
TV Movies:
- High School Musical
- Now You See It...
- Cowbelles
- Read it and Weep
- Zenon Z3
- Vanessa Hudgens
- Ashley Tisdale
- Jordan Pruitt
- Carrie Underwood
- Cheetah Girls
- Say OK ~Vanessa Hudgens
- Later ~Jordan Pruitt
- Positivity ~Ashley Tisdale
- Rather Be With You ~Vanessa Hudgens
- So Much For You ~Ashley Tisdale
- Eric: "Here's the plan as I see it. We give Morgan, who will be our decoy, some kind of poisen to make her ill. When Dad takes her to the emergency room, thats when the party begins!" Topanga: "So, let me see if I understand this; you're will to posin your sister to surprise your father...?" (Boy Meets World)
- Taylor: "Are we dead?" (Eric Pinches her) Taylor: "OW!" Eric: "Guess not!" (Flight 29 Down)
- Corrie: "Oooh! Can I have London?" London: "Ooh! No." (The Suite Life of Zack and Cody)
- Steve: "Rapido Dora, Rapido! Andale! You call your self an explora?!" (Drake and Josh)
- Nathan: "Getting out smarted by a pig...not a great feeling..." (Flight 29 Down)
Okay! TTYL! I'll tell y'all how pre-op goes!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
New Website!!
My mom had an awesome idea! I can make my one website, where I can have a blog, I can post my stories, and I'm hoping *crosses fingers* to be able to put some music. I probably won't be posting on here much longer *cries*, but I will post the link on here so y'all can check it out. Its not up yet, because my account hasn't been activated yet. But here is the link and I'll let y'all know when its up.
Okay, TTYL!!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Say OK music video!!
Did any of you see the Say OK music video? Wow. That's all I can say. Wow. The. Best. Music Video. EVER!!! It was so awesome, I couldn't stop smiling when I saw it!! I was so excited, I even erased my old recording of Jump In! just so that I could record Say OK. I know, obsessive.
So, here it is:
Zanessa Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think they have such awesome chemistry, I just the music video focused on that more, but that's just me. A lot of people didn't like it, because of the chemistry Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens have.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Happy Birthday Eamonn!/Happy St. Patrick's Day!
are like apples
on trees. The best ones
are at the top of the tree.
The boys don't want to reach
for the good ones because they
are afraid of falling and getting hurt.
Instead, they just get the rotten apples
from the ground that aren't as good,
but easy. So the apples at the top think
something is wrong with them, when in
reality, they're amazing. They just
have to wait for the right boy to
come along, the one who's
brave enough to
climb all
the way
to the top
of the tree
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Happy Birthday Bonnie!!!!
I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to my sister Bonnie! So, I'm gonna have my brothers and my other sister type a message to her.
Maggie~ I love you Bonnie and Happy Birthday!!
Rory~ Happy, happy birthday to you!!!
Eamonn~ No. (Well, he's almost 3, what do you expect?)
Me~ Happy Birthday Bonnie!!!!! Hope you have an awesome birthday!!! The Big 05!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Top Fives!!!
Well, this may or may not be my last top fives for a while. Its all about how I am feeling in the hospital. When I went in earlier this month, I couldn't type very much, and I didn't even have an IV or traction. I'll try though!
Here we go!
Top Five...
- Mitchel Musso
- Johnny Pacar
- Corbin Bleu
- Lucas Grabeel
- Jason Dolley
- Ashley Tisdale
- Vanessa Hudgens
- Monique Coleman
- Alyson Michalka
- Brenda Song
TV Show:
- The Suite Life
- Boy Meets World
- Flight 29 Down
- Cory in the House
- Hannah Montana
TV Movies:
- High School Musical
- Now You See It...
- Jump In!
- Cowbelles
- Read it and Weep
- Monster House
- Pirates of the Carribean
- Fantastic 4
- Devil Wears Prada
- Sleepover
- Ashley Tisdale
- Vanessa Hudgens
- Drew Seeley
- Corbin Bleu
- Aly and AJ
- "The Night Before (Life Goes On)" ~ Carrie Underwood
- "Love Me For Me" ~ Ashley Tisdale
- "Rather Be With You" ~ Vanessa Hudgens
- "Do You Believe In Magic" ~ Aly and AJ
- "We'll Be Together" ~ Ashley Tisdale
- Zanessa (Zac x Vanessa) [High School Musical cast]
- Jiley (Jake x Miley) [Hannah Montana]
- Moliver (Miley x Oliver) [Hannah Montana]
- Troyella (Troy x Gabriella) [High School Musical]
- Troypay (Troy x Sharpay) [High School Musical]
Yes, I did couples...because I ran out of ideas, and I didn't want to do magazines again. These are mostly couples I write either by myself or over the IM with Jenni.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Spring Break!!!!
Well, its true!!! This week is spring break!! I am so excited, because I don't have so much stress during break.
Well, I watched a Flight 29 Down marathon yesterday on Discovery Kids, and I love it! My only problem is, its one of those shows that if you don't watch it in order, you will have no idea what is going on, so I have to wait to see the next episode in the series, which is Mazeathon, but I have no idea when it'll be on, and I really wanna keep watching it!!
Okay, I'm done...:D
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Flight 29 Down
Does anyone watch Flight 29 Down? I just decided to watch it, and I really like it! It has so many people from disney! Corbin Bleu (High School Musical), Johnny Pacar (Now You See It...), Hallee Hirsh (The Ultimate Christmas Present), and Kristy Wu (Halloweentown IV). Its also pretty funny! I know what you're thinking, people being stranded is always hilarious! But it is.
So...does anyone watch it?
Thursday, March 08, 2007
New Template
As you guys may have noticed, there is a new template! I was bored yesterday, so I decided to change it. Anyway...we have spring break next week, so no hw this week! YAY!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Hey Guys!!!
As you guys have noticed, I am posting everyday, even if nothing is happening. I have a goal. The largest number of posts I've done is 18, waaaaaaay back in July of 06. I'm trying to beat it!!!!
Also, today in my language class, my teacher handed out scores that other kids in another period gave us on our writing. (Highest is a 6) I got eleven 4's, five 5's and two 6's. I was pretty surprised.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
WOO HOO x 2!!!
Testing is FINALLY OVER!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!! Now, I only have 7 more days (not including the weekend) until I'm done going to Greenwood. However, I am not done with 7th grade like I said in my last post. I'm gonna switch districts, and continue school until May. However, I am hoping that I will finish early, since I will basically be Homeschooled. It will most likely happen, especially if I don't have to have the 4/18 surgery.
Okay, I guess thats it!
Monday, March 05, 2007
Well, my nurse, as it turns out, is fine! They figured out that her blood pressure doses were too high, and thats what caused it! So, she'll be back tomorrow so I can take the NRT (Do not ask me what it stands for...Maybe...National Rank Test...) tomorrow and the Science practice test on Wed. Then, I have 2 days of school, then next week is SPRING BREAK!!! Then, the next week is my last week of 7th grade, *tear* and then the week after that is my surgery, and then I spend the next month and a half in the hospital.
Also, I just talked to Scarlett and she said she was feeling much better!! So, I am so happy that everyone is better!
And, I just wrote my first High School Musical oneshot and it was a Troypay (Troy x Sharpay). Okay...totally random, I am random, so whatever. :P.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Wow....the last three weeks aren't going exactly as I hoped. First, I end up in the hospital, then, my BFF gets sick, and now, my nurse might be having a stroke! I really don't know what to say about it, because I don't know what to expect. I mean, if its really bad, will she be alright? I don't know what to say because I have neve known any one that has had a stroke.
I'll keep y'all posted.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Hola Guys!
Well, Scarlett got sick, so she went home with her dad. I feel so bad for her!!! I just wish there was a way that I could've helped her feel better so she could have stayed. Well, I guess its better to have her with her dad so that he can do something if she gets really sick. Since I know Scarlett reads this blog a lot, I just wanna say...
Get Well Soon Scarlett!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your BFF, Molly!
Okay, TTYL guys!!
Hey Guys!!

Hey Guys!!
Well, I am waiting for Scarlett to come over. I am so excited!! She and I live in different states, and she asked her dad to let her come down so we can see each other! She also gets to see her family, so its a win-win for her! We are planning to go to the mall and then come home and watch movies. I really hope that she can stay over, but right now we aren't sure. *crosses fingers*
Okay, now in every television show I watch when they go on a camping trip and there is gonna be really bad weather, the animals all run away. Well, I am looking out my window and the sky is gray, and birds are flying super fast! I am a little freaked out
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Happy March!!!
Okay, I was bored, so I decided to just say Happy March!! Is the saying for March, "In like a Lion, out like a lamb"? Or is that spring?? Hmmm...either way, they are wrong today, it was 85 and sunny! WOO HOO!!!
Okay, because I have nothing else to say, I'm gonna do some random Quotes...random, I know, but I'm bored!!
- (Repeating Line) London: Yay Me!!
- (Cody says something in Japanese) Maddie: "Should I thank you, or slap you?"
- London: "Whatcha doing?" Maddie: "I'm composing an irate letter to Mr. Moseby in an effort to expunge my inner angst and achieve emotional catharsis!" London: "Whatcha doing?"
- London: "Oooh! You Guys are in Trouble!!!!"
- Cody: "Are you thinking what I'm thinking??? Zack: Chawawas have freakishly large ears??"
- Chad: "Don't you see what's going on here man? This singing thing is making stuff! Stuff that's not to their stuff!"
- Ryan: "So why do you think she's interested in our musical?" Sharpay: "I'm not sure that she is...and we needn't concern ourselves with amateur...but, there is no harm in making certain that Gabriella's welcoming to school activities are appropriate for her. After all, she loves pi."
- Ryan: "But that wouldn't work, because then Troy and Gabriella wouldn't be able to make the..." (Sharpay gives him a 'Yeah?' look) Ryan: "I'm proud to call you my sister!" Sharpay: "I know!"
- Basketball Team: "G-O-D-R-A-MA-C-L-U-B!" Troy: "Exclamation point!" Ryan: Go...Godra...Godrama?? (Sharpay rolls her eyes and walks away)
- Troy: "Look at me. Like the first time we kindergarten." (AWWWW!)
- Oliver: "I'm just gonna sit at this RANDOM table with these RANDOM people until the pain subsides!"
- Miley: "I kept trying to call you last night, why wouldn't you answer?" Lilly: "My dad took it away after my last biology test. Who knew Photosynthesis had nothing to do with photography?" Miley: "EVERYONE?!"
- Oliver: "FYI: "Someday I'm gonna be Mr. Hannah Montana! I'm gonna watch her every minute of everyday, protect her from any obsessed fans. And every night I'm gonna shampoo and condition her beautiful blond hair...." Miley: "Oliver, I say this because I care about you...GET SOME HELP!"
- Jackson: "I took the T-bone in the fridge and chucked it over the fence! Robby Ray: "You mean the one that I dry rubbed, tenderized, and marinated for 48 hours?" Jackson: "Noo...the other one?"
- Jackson: "Your right, assistant is too about senior vice president in charge of assistcation!"
- Eric: So I said to myself, 'Kyle,'... Alan: Kyle? Eric: That's what I call myself.
- Jack: Eric? Eric: [dressed like Noah] No, not Eric, not anymore Jack: OK that's fine... ok, what is your name *now*? Eric: Plays With Squirrels
- Eric: See, duckies are good, cuz not only do they give you that non-threatening sense of security, but you can feed 'em crackers and you can ride 'em. See, duckies are the horsies of the ocean. No, I mean they are. Cory: Okay, someone explain to me about duckies before I hit him with a spoon. Amy Matthews: It's wallpaper. Topanga: It's adorable. Alan Matthews: It's for you room. Eric: DUCKIES RULE.
- Eric: Mr. F... F... F... Feeny Mr. George Feeny: I love the Feeny call
- [Cory and his mother are compromising] Amy Matthews: Thirty minutes. Cory: Half an hour. Amy Matthews: Deal.
- [trying to straighten Cory's hair] Cory: Is this stuff supposed to be burning? Shawn Hunter: Why, is it burning? Cory: No, I was just trying to make conversation, because we don't get enough chances to talk any more.
- Eric: I have a question that I'm going to need a yes or no answer to. How many people get into Yale each year? Mr. George Feeny: No.
- [Alan's yelling at Shawn per his request for getting drunk] Alan: Someday you're gonna want to buy a house and you're gonna come to me. Cory: I think this is about us. Topanga: Nice touch.
- Cory: That's just what I want - to be Topanga's boyfriend. And then we can name our children Chubaka and Plankton.
- Shawn: Where do you think we stand? Cory: We're lowly, 7th grade sewer scum who name rats after ourselves to feel important. Shawn: And how do you feel about this? Cory: Better than the guys with no rats.
Okay, So Boy Meets World had 10 quotes, but it was on for like 8 years...and I found a lot of funny quotes!!! The Names that are blue are links to the actor's IMDb page, J2LUK (Just to let you know). And yes, I do watch HSM, The Suite Life and Hannah Montana way too much. I have a problem!!!! *screams for no apparent reason* LOL! Just kidding!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Aww Man!!!!!!!!!
Aww Man!!!!!!!!! I found out that Disney Channel Games are going to be HERE in FL! I am mad though, because it is in April, and I will be in the Hospital! And the entire HSM cast will be there! Disney Channel is even having a contest to be a VIP there! So, I entered, and if I win (which I won't...), my sister will go and get me an autograph from everyone there. Hopefully she can bring my sister, who has watched Jump In!, like a thousand times and knows every line. (Kinda like Maggie and I with HSM...I know all of Sharpay's, Gabi's...okay, so I know them all, but can you blame me???)
So, wish my sister luck!!!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Wow...Big Week!
Wow, sorry I haven't been updating, but I have a pretty good reason! You all know my best friend, Jenni came down last Friday, and I couldn't update then. Then, the same day she left, my mom had to change my trach and we couldn't get it back in.
No biggie, its happened before. We repositioned, still didn't work. Okaaaaaay, still not a very big deal. We repositioned again and it still didn't work. Unfortunately, now we had no choice but to call 911. They came, and took me to APH (Arnold Palmer Hospital).
When we got there, they took me in a room WITHOUT a television. (I guess when you are in the TRAUMA room, they don't expect you to want to watch televison....) Luckily, they knew how badly I wanted to watch American Idol and they switched me to a regular ER room.
So 8 people and 5 hours later, they had to call in the ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor) because no one could get the trach in. Now, my ENT is always able to get my trach in without any problems. He tried to get it in, and he couldn't. So, he decided to put in an e tube, which is what you use when the intubate you through your mouth.
Since the E-tube is an unstable airway, my doctor wanted to admit me, so I spent the last 4 1/2 days in the Pediatric ICU.
There were a couple good things about it, I got to see some people that I hadn't seen in awhile, and I also found out I have internet!!! So I was able to 'test' some things.
Also, my BFF Jenni came down from Colorado last Friday to stay. We went to the airport at 6:30 and picked Jenni up at 8:30.
My mom is a member on a Embroidery Board, and all the members made my dad take pictures of us when we met, and every time he took the picture, I would be blind for the next five minutes.
It was so much fun to have her over! She and I went to the mall, we went to Target. So, we shopped a lot. A lot. We didn't buy much, but when you go to the mall and Target in one weekend, it is a lot of shopping! It was so much fun!
And every night, we stayed up til like 1 AM. So much fun!! It was so nice to have a good friend to spend time with her!
Okay, I have other news, but I'm gonna do a new post.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
I got an A! I got an A!
I can't wait to spend time with her!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
<333 Happy Valentines Day!!!!! <333
I hope everyone has an awesome Valentine's Day!!! I got so much candy at school from friends, and I even got 2 stuffed animals!!!
Thanks for all the awesome comments! Jasmine~ I was wondering where you lived, b/c it rained where I live too. But, we don't :(.
Monday, February 12, 2007
A Couple New Changes!!
Well, I have made a couple changes to my blog, some of them noticable, some of them, not so much. First off, I have deleted the chat box. I understand completely that people have their own opinions about things, some of which I may not agree with, but I would appriciate it if you would not trash my blog because you think its boring or you hate Radio Disney. Thank you to the people that left nice comments!
Second, I accidently deleted the links (oops!), but I was able to repost them. I also added Fanfiction, because that is where I spend most of my time. As most of you know, I love to write, so I post my stories on there, and people really seem to enjoy them. There also a lot of stories, and its not just Disney. They have almost every TV show for people to read stories from.
Finally, I changed the name of my blog (Don't worry, its temporary), to say Happy Valentines Day!!! in the bar thingy at the top. I hope no one minds, but if you do, don't worry, it'll be back to Molly's Blog! on 2/15. :-D
I know that taking the chat box off is rude, but I rarely get comments on the chat box, and lately, most of them say that the blog is boring, or that they hate radio disney. However, you can always post comments for the post. I always read those!!!!
Friday, February 09, 2007
Top Fives!!!!!
- Mitchel Musso
- Lucas Grabeel
- Corbin Bleu
- Will Friedle
- Jason Dolley
- Ashley Tisdale
- Vanessa Hudgens
- Maiara Walsh
- Miley Cyrus
- Emily Osment
TV shows:
- The Suite Life
- Boy Meets World
- Hannah Montana
- Cory in the House
- Phil of the Future
TV Movies:
- Jump in!
- High School Musical
- Read it and Weep
- Now You See It....
- Go Figure
- Monster House
- Pirates of the Caribbean 2
- Ice Princess
- Cars
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Ashley Tisdale
- Jordan Pruitt
- Vanessa Hudgens
- Drew Seeley
- Corbin Bleu
- Over It: Ashley Tisdale
- So Much For You: Ashley Tisdale
- Miss Popularity: Jordan Pruitt
- Teenager: Jordan Pruitt
- Who Likes Who: Jordan Pruitt
- Popstar!
- Bop
- Tiger Beat
- M
- J-14
There are a couple differences. FYI: Will Frieldle plays Eric on Boy Meets World and Ron Stoppable on Kim Possible.
PS. Please remember that the chat box is only to say hi. Please don't say mean things about my blog. Thanks!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Headstrong and No Ordinary Girl
Well, I did it! I bought Headstrong (Not all of it...but that's a different story...) the clean version. It kinda freaked me out to be honest, because I have never bought something that said clean next to the song title. But, it is clean, so I guess its not bad.
Unfortunetly, I didn't have enough $$ to buy the whole No Ordinary Girl, but I bought Teenager, No Ordinary Girl, Miss Popularity and Outside Lookin In. They are all awesome.
I also got my glasses today. It feels so weird, in a good way though. I can finally far away! I think I'm gonna wear them all the time.
I'll post pics soon!
Monday, February 05, 2007
!!!!!!!!!!!!*screams*!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO happy! Headstrong comes out tomorrow!!! I have been waiting for this since I went to the HSM concert back in December!!! I already have Headstrong, He Said She Said (The Radio Disney version. I was listening to Headstrong on (no, i don't have AOL, some how they let you use it even if you don't have AOL...and I heard the part of the explict version. One word. Wow. NOT in a good way), and Be Good to Me. I'm hoping I don't have to buy the whole album, because I already have 3 of how ever many songs that will be on there.
Jordan Pruitt's CD also comes out tomorrow! I was able to hear like 2 or 3 of the songs at the concert, and I loved Teenager and Miss Popularity.
Here is the album artwork for Headstrong:

What do you think????
Thanks to and for the pics!!
Here is Jordan Pruitt's CD (*sits still for about a second and then rushes to google to find the cover*)

Question. Why in almost every CD cover does the singer/group/band never look like themselves??? Can anyone answer that??? (*sarcastic*)
thanks to for the pic.
I'm gonna wait to do my top fives this month until I get the two CDs tomorrow!
There is only....6 hrs, 25 minutes and 30 seconds until Headstrong comes out!!!
Sunday, February 04, 2007

Friday, February 02, 2007

Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Then and Now!

Brenda Song:

Okay. I have one word. WOW! Unfortunately, I haven't really kept up with how much Brenda Song has changed like I have with Mitchel Musso or Ashley Tisdale. So when I saw the picture of her, (right) I practically freaked out!!! The first picture is from the first season of The Suite Life, and the second picture is from the ABC/Disney cast party on 1/14/06.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
I have been watching the suite life all day, and I can't wait to see some of the episodes, you never see anymore!
I g2g, the Jonas Brothers vid is on!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Some Awesomeful News!
Today, I found out that Monster House is up for an Oscar!!! I can't believe it!!! However, it is up against Cars and Happy Feet again. I think Happy Feet might have a stronger chance of winning this one rather than the Golden Globes.
Now all I have to do is find out when the Oscars are on!!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Okay...I am pretty bored...:'-(
I did my science project today, and I think I did really well! I am SO happy to get that done with, and I am 95% done with my Geo project! I bet I will be able to finish it this weekend, so then I can work on my writing. I'm gonna try to write 2 chapters for my Hannah Montana Story, Uh Oh, There We Go Again and my High School Musical story, We're All in This Together...Until We Break up and I might try to start a new High School Musical story this weekend. And I thought my life was boring!
I just bought the Little Mermaid CD, because I really wanted the Jonas Brother's version of Poor Unfortunate Souls and Ashley Tisdale's version of Kiss the Girl. However, I forgot that Ashley's CD, Headstrong and Jordan Pruitt's CD is coming out on Feb. 6!!! I was so mad!!! But, maybe I can earn some iTunes money...
Molly/Alexandra/Nikki (Yes, I have 3 different names depending on who you talk to)
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Miley has reason to be smiley: 'Hannah Montana" is a tween hit
Reading through a script the other day for an upcoming fantasy episode of Disney's hit show "Hannah Montana," actress Miley Cyrus spied her new bed, which featured a gaudy gold headboard. The 14-year-old leapt on the mattress and said to nobody in particular, "I feel like a princess!"
Miley has a good reason to feel like royalty. Her show sits atop the Disney tween kingdom.
For the uninitiated, she plays regular teen Miley Stewart by day, then dons a blond wig to become mondo pop star Hannah Montana for concerts and appearances. It's a secret known only to her closest friends and her family, including her dad Robbie, played by her real-life dad Billy Ray Cyrus. (Yes, that's the ponytailed dude who sang "Achy Breaky Heart" back in 1992.)
Disney finished 2006 as the top-rated basic cable network in two youth categories, ages 6 to 11 and 9 to 14. It offers hit movies such as "High School Musical" and the new "Jump In!" plus a coterie of regular series such as "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody" and the new "That's So Raven" spinoff, "Cory in the House."
Among all TV shows, however, "Hannah" finished second among tweens behind only "American Idol."
The sitcom, taping its second season, evokes a style that would have fit comfortably in the ABC TGIF lineup 15 years ago, sandwiched between "Full House" and "Family Matters."It features plenty of sweet goofiness, such as Miley pretending to be a mannequin so her dad won't buy her an ugly dress, or wearing a moose outfit. Plus, there are visits by real-life stars such as Dolly Parton and Vicki Lawrence and, in the episode being taped this week to air in July, a squeal-worthy Jesse McCartney.
Sure, the whole double-life gambit is a lark, but the concept allows Disney to turn Miley/Hannah into a genuine pop star. Already, she has a hit single with "Best of Both Worlds," and the show soundtrack, released in October, has already sold more than two million copies."
Disney does a great job promoting us," said Emily Osment, the younger sister of actor Haley Joel Osment, who plays Miley's best friend, Lilly. "Although I've done a lot of other work before this, people now scream 'Lilly!' That's the only thing they know me for."
During the few weeks when the show is not churning out episodes, Miley is on the road doing concerts, including a recent stop opening for another Disney-created group, the Cheetah Girls.
"It's been tiring, but it's really fun," Miley said, during a break in rehearsals. "If I get eight hours of sleep a night, I'm fortunate. I usually get five or six." Still, she seems a youthful whirlwind of energy, with her rush of words and ever-present grin. (Her real name is Destiny; "Miley" is a nickname derived from the fact she smiled all the time as a toddler.)
The Nashville native wasn't easy to find, show producers said. Originally, she was considered too small and too young. But after sifting through thousands of tapes and auditioning more than 50 girls, they came back to Miley.
The second season will feature more plotlines where Miley's secret identity almost leaks out, and we will learn more about her long-lost mom, played by Brooke Shields."Brooke's daughter loves the show," Peterman said.
Disney's modus operandi is to tape as many shows as possible as soon as possible, then bank the episodes. Why?
"Well," Peterman said, "kids have a nasty habit of growing up."
Source: Philadelphia Daily News
Big Congrats to Miley and the entire cast of Hannah Montana!! :D
Song stuck in my head...
Monday~It's My Turn Now: Keke Palmer
Tuesday~Get You Shine On: Jesse McCartney
Wednesday~Rock This Christmas: Jump5
See what I mean???
There is only...23 days until Jenni comes down from Colorado!! I am so excited!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 22, 2007
Surgery News
My mom got a call about the 3rd surgery date, and they were able to change it to the ninth so that it won't be on my birthday. I am so happy about that, even though I was hoping to be out of the hospital before my birthday, but hey, it beats being unconious, Right?
Some school news, I got the highest grade on my science test on Friday (38/35 or 108...I think. I can't figure out my computer's calculator) and I have the highest average in my class (100)!
Progress Reports come out either the week after next, or the week after that, and I am dying to see my Math grade, because even though I got like an 88 (I forgot to answer a question, who knew that was required? [hint: being sarcastic]), I have turned in all my homework, and I did the extra credit last week! I also have a vocab test tomorrow, so if I can get 100 on it, then that might bring my grade up! I hope so!!
Okay, I'm done talking/writing!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Hey Guys!
Remember that surgery I mentioned a couple months ago? Well, I got the dates for each of the surgeries:
3/28: This will be the surgery to take the current rods out and put on the halo, which is going to help me straighten out.
4/18: This surgery may or may not happen. If the traction (halo) isn't working, then this surgery will be to release the muscles that are holding me back from the traction to work.
5/2 or 5/9: Right now, the surgery is scheduled for May 2ND, but that is actually my birthday, so they are trying to change it to the ninth. This surgery will be to put in the new rods, which will go from the base of my skull to my pelvis (I think).
I also got a new purse today! Its by Rafe, a designer in New York that makes handbags for celebs. I actually got it at Target, and it is cuuuuuuuuuute!!!!
Thanks for reading! Have an awesome weekend!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Golden Globes
Unfortunetly, it didn't win, Cars did. I love Cars, it was funny, the voices were awesome, and the story line was awesome. Monster House was almost exactly the same, funny, the voices were awesome (anyone that knows me knows what I mean...:D), and the story line was incredible!!!!
Here is why I thought each movie might win:
Happy Feet: Good songs, kinda funny, and plus it was nominated for other categories
Cars: Funny, good story line, GREAT voice talents. Also, it was aimed at everyone. Kids liked all the funny lines (probably Mater the most), and older kids, while some might've found it juvinile, I still found it funny. It can keep your attention through the movie.
Monster House: (Where do I start???) Hilarious, wonderful story line, it had good actors/actresses that people knew. (ie: Mitchel Musso, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Spencer Locke to name a few) It had a lot of drama, but lines that could make you laugh out loud. It was also the newest form of animation.
Why I thought each movie might NOT win:
Happy Feet: Although it was good for kids 5-7, any older than that would probably get bored with the story.
Cars: I didn't really have a theory to be honest about why this movie might now guess is that maybe people thought that it was to 'Kiddy'.
Monster House: Although it was probably best for kids 10+, for anyone younger than that, it was probably too scary, and the fact that the animation was so real, probably made it seem more real.
Those are my theories, I think I might make a really good film critic...hmmm...