Saturday, November 03, 2007

Random Quotes of my life

Okay, because I know y'all are fasinated with my life...okay, I know none of you are, but since you are reading this, you must be interested! Or bored...okay, know I'm just depressed...Okay, so, here is some funny quotes from my life!!


*In Language Arts Class*

Me: UGH! Why does Josh keep calling me Pantry Girl?!?

Clayton: I don't know, Pantry Girl

Me: Waste of Space

Clayton: Pantry Girl

Me: Waste of Space

Clayton: Pantry Girl

*five minutes later*

Clayton: Pantry Girl

Me: Waste of Space


*In History Class*

Josh: Yeah! She was trying to run me over!!
Mrs. Mestre: I'm sure you deserved it Josh.


*In Yearbook*

Andrew: "All my friends love me!"

Me: "Then I hope you don't consider me a friend."

Andrew: "Well, now you're not my friend!"

Me: "I was your friend? *skeptical*"

Andrew: "No....but now you never will be!"

Me: *Monotone* "Wow. I am so sad."


*In Religious Ed*

Mrs. Mullen: Let's all tell something about themselves

Sean: My name is Sean, and I am naturally buoyant

Mrs. Mullen: Oh I can hear it now. Your parents will ask you what you learned in Religious Ed, 'Oh! We learned what buoyant means!'


*On IM*

Me: (We had to write down 10 things that makes us happy..../:) )

Jenni: (Let's see... On your list, it could be... Mitchel, Mitchel, Thoughts of marrying Mitchel, Mitchel, Mitchel, Mitchel, and so forth. *Ducks from any thrown objects*)


Me: (How did you know I liked Ladies' Choice?)

Jenni: (Because you kept rambling about it whenever it came on)

Jenni: (And when you ramble about something, you love it)

Me: (I do not! Name one other thing!)

Jenni: (Zaaaaaaac )

Me: (I do?)


*At Lunch*

Me: Hey Jen! Do you know what time it is?
Jennifer: Let me check my wrist....
Me: Psh! Troy would be able to tell me what time it was by looking at his wrist!
Jennifer: And Lucas Grabeel would start dancing!
Me: And Corbin would tell me what time it was in 3 different time zones!!

*On IM*

Me: (And I think you are crazy. )
Jenni: (Thank you)
Me: (You're welcome)
*After a long argument about whether or not I like Mitchel Musso*
Jenni: (.............................................................................What're we gonna say in six months when we reread our archives and see this?)
Me: (Wow...we were pathetic...and you'll tease me some more about it)
Jenni: (Probably true...)
*On IM*

Me: I had school 2 day!
Scarlett: AAAAHHHHHHH DO NOT MENTION THAT CURSE WORD WHEN TALKING TO ME YOU FOUL MOTHED SAILOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Talking on the Phone*
Scarlett: Did you notice that the 2012 class is always the guinnea pigs? I mean, we had to take the standarized tests in 3rd grade, and now we have to take a test in 8th?!
Me: Maybe its just cause we're old....
Me: (Okay, there is this guy named Josh, and he makes fun of me just because I locked Rory in the pantry and wouldn't let him out)
Jenni: (You did?!?! You're such a loving sister!!)
Me: (I know!!) ( :D)
Jenni: (*Hands Alex 'Sister of the Year' award*)
Me: (*Takes it and wipes a tear* I'd like to thank the little people
*In Language Arts class*
Ms. Wright: You guys don't understand, a lot of the time when I say stuff, I'm kidding!
Clayton: So you were kidding when you called me a Waste of Space?
Ms. Wright: No, I meant that
Me: So you were kidding when you called me a dork
Ms. Wright: No, I meant that

Okay, there are some quotes from my life! I hope you guys enjoyed! Jenni, Scarlett, Jennifer, if y'all have good ones that I missed, tell me!!!


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