I got my progress report today and I got all As!!!!!!! I actually didn't think it was mine, because I thought I would get a B or C in Math. But I had an A! And not only that, my math teacher put Assumes Responsibility as a comment, and my science teacher put Excellent Conduct/Attitude and I think Assumes Responsibility too. A few weeks ago, my Science teacher had us write a story about a fungi or an ameba, or protazon and I wrote a story that I thought was pretty good. It had a very big drama in it, and I made it kinda long. Well, my science teacher came up and said she wanted to put it in Bravissima, which kind of like a display of all kinds of art. I looked at it, and I got a 20/10 on it!!! That's like 10 extra credit points!!! I also got some othe things in science and I got all As on them. Today in science, we had to dissect a plant, and I had to chop open the end of the stamens so I could see the pistils, and I felt so bad, because I cut it so fast! Thank goodness it wasn't a frog!! (But I will have to dissect a frog in a couple weeks *shivers*) I also had two tests today, one in Language Arts and one in Math. The one in math was hard because I had just gotten back my quiz from last Friday, and lets just say, it wasn't my best grade....:'(. I also have a book project due on November 30th, and I started and finished it yesterday. I stayed home yesterday because of the rain, so I worked on it all day!! I printed it today, and my nurse put it together in Math for me. I finished all my homework during school today except for my make-up work for math, which I'm hoping to do either A: Tonight, B: On the plane, or C: Sometime over the weekend. I competed in the Geography Bee today against 42 other 7th graders after I got one of the top 10 scores in my team. (Each grade has teams, that has 3 teachers, a Science teacher, an English teacher, and a Geography teacher. They don't have a math tecaher on the team in seventh grade because the math teacher teaches like 4 levels of math) I was doing really well until I got to round five when the teacher asked you a question, and it could be a city, a country, or anything, and it wasn't multiple choice!!! So I missed a question in the second round (Who knew Alaska had a bigger coastline to Canada than Idaho?! I thought it was an island!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Oh well, I don't care.
I am so totally excited!! I can't wait to go to Dallas for the Totally Ten Radio Disney Concert!!!!! I have to go to the airport tomorrow at 7:30, the plane leaves Orlando at 9:30 and lands in Dallas at 11:30. I'm going to the 2 PM concert and then I'm going to the Meet and Greet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I REALLY hope Mitchel will be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will definetly put up pictures when I get back!!!!!!!!
The That's So Suite Life of Hannah Montana is on tonight and I can't wait to watch it!!!!!
Thanks for listening....or reading....lolz
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