Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Hey guys/girls!

I can't believe its already time for midterms!!! I feel like it was just yesterday I was freaking out because no one was in my classes!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I gave out gifts to my friends today, something I have never done. It was so cool! I gave them a bag filled with candy, a lip balm and a stuffed dog, except Hannah got a penguin. My friend Brittany gave me something yesterday, which was so nice, because I wasn't expecting anything from anyone. Today, 3 of the people I gave my presents to said they were gonna give me something too. How cool is that?!

Anyway, tomorrow, Thursday and Friday, we half days because of midterms. We also have two classes a day. Tomorrow is 2nd and 7th, Thursday is 3rd and 5th, and finally, Friday is 4th and 6th.

Then I have 2 weeks off!!!!!! YAY ME!!!!



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